How Going Digital Can Save Earth

go digital, paperless, save earth

Gone are the days of outdated invoices, wasted documents, and filing cabinets. Now workplaces have taken a paper-free appearance for a better environment.

With the rising campaign about saving the planet, companies around the world are finally waking up to lower the usage of paper and other related activities that can harm the environment. In our minds, more paper means more woods to be cut down. That means reducing the biggest part which contributes oxygen to us.


In the recent years, the digital revolution that brought by internet and technology, has given a hope for saving the planet in more ways with more possibility. Many entities from government, banks, and business has joined the movement to life longer on earth. More people in today’s society has started to ditch the bookkeeping and record keeping on paper. Mostly, the convenience of digital technology causes them to transform from paper to digital options.

If we talked about newspaper, we may still find the newspaper which distributed in papers. However, now we can read newspaper from our mobile phone or tablets. More companies are trying to reduce paper used by eliminating flyers and change it to digital flyer or digital advertising in internet. If you are a small-medium company, transforming your traditional newsletter or flyer into digital. Not only reducing paper used but also can help you to reach more customers within a greater area.

When it comes to money talk, a cashless payment also starts to rising up in a form of e-wallet. This has brought a reduction in the usage of currency made from paper.

Many companies also start to use digital media for team communication, so that they don’t have to spread paper documents across department anymore. Simply send by emails and take initiative by saving documents onto computer or online.

Production of paper needs machinery that contributes to carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. For every 1 ton of paper produced, there’s around 1.5 ton of carbon dioxide release to the atmosphere. It is greater than the paper produced!

Going digital will reduce this practice and help to control air pollution, because less paper is needed so that less will be need to be produced. On top of that, the waste of paper products also harms the environment. In the long run, it is difficult to decompose.

Adopting a smarter lifestyle can also help to reduce fuel and gas emission, such as electric cars and smart homes that promote energy-saving and green living. Another way is by developing renewable energy technology such as renewable and rechargeable battery and fuel cells.

These solution by using technology in day-to-day work and lifestyle is just the tip of iceberg of the things we can do to save our planet.


How Going Digital Can Save Earth