Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
Many Chinese businesses are mandating their employees either not work or work from home.
Because the coronavirus outbreak, working from home is no longer a privilege, it’s a necessity. As the novel coronavirus enters Southeast Asia, many companies are also making their employees to go to remote work. This way, hopefully keep their employees safe and healthy, stop the spread of this virus, and maintain business continuity at the same time.

How about your company?
Some managers were happy to let their employees work from home, others demanded everyone turn up at office. While there are great potential benefits of allowing remote work on your team, there’s a problem. Remote work is different from the typical work structure in a few big ways. And while there are many benefits, there are also new and unique challenges. Without any prior experience working remotely it can be hard anticipating the challenges your remote employees will face.

Here are 3 essentials tips to get the best out of remote worker
1. Communicate
From the beginning, managers must communicate their expectations for remote worker or employees working from home. As a manager, really set the stage for people to be able to communicate openly, if there are organized times they want to communicate, and what they expect each day.
2. Trust
Building upon the misconception that working from home means you aren’t working, managers must trust that their employees are doing their jobs, even if they can’t see them. If an employee takes a little longer to respond to an email, the manager shouldn’t automatically assume it’s because they aren’t working. They need to think the best of their employees and consider that they could be working on other tasks.
3. Individualize
Just because a part of your workforce might work from home, that doesn’t mean they aren’t a part of the team. Some remote workers feel isolated by working alone, while others feel liberated. Some love 24/7 access to work; others need to have a real boundary between office and home. Some do their best work in the middle of the night, while others keep strict office hours. Accepting a remote worker’s method and reasoning helps managers coach to the individual on behalf of the company, promoting the corporate benefits that characterize off-site work.

Implementing these tips is an investment in not only your team, but in you as a manager.
Besides that, there are also other things that you can’t missed if you’re planning to make your employee remote working. In 2020, there are many choices of cloud based tools that can support your remote working, but you have to choose the right tools for you and your employee to work. Rather than searching and comparing dozens of tools on google, you will saves your time by choosing our AdeptForms instead!
Here’s a reason why, Adeptforms is a digital forms platform which will help you to digitize your paper forms. It has the features you can utilize to save time on work and optimize your working process. Converting your paper-based checklist and forms into digital form will change the way you work. AdeptForms platform will let you to create form based on your need. You only need to drag and drop any fields or using the pre-made template which is provided by the system.

Benefit of AdeptForms:
- Save time
- Save money
- Real-time Data
- Easy to track and access
- And many more!
Stay healthy and safe!
This way, you can keep being productive with working remotely without any worry about any virus that will harm you! Contact us here, AdeptForms will be happy to help your company
How To Keep Working and Stay Safe From Corona Virus