Ketentuan Layanan

Last updated: 16/ 01/ 2019

Selamat datang di Adeptforms!

Adept Ventures Pte Ltd (“Adeptforms,” “milik kami,” atau “kita”) menyediakan beberapa layanan untuk industri keamanan dan industri kebersihan. Harap baca Ketentuan Layanan kami agar Anda memahami informasi terkait penggunaan Adeptforms. Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan kami (“Ketentuan”) dengan memasang, mengakses, atau menggunakan aplikasi, layanan, fitur, perangkat lunak, atau situs web kami (secara bersama-sama, “Layanan”).

Layanan Adeptforms!

Adeptforms menyediakan berbagai layanan seperti manajemen formulir, manajemen pemesanan, manajemen tugas, sos, e-learning, dan adeptdrive (“Layanan”). Anda dapat menggunakan Layanan untuk keperluan pribadi dan bisnis atau untuk keperluan bisnis internal di organisasi yang Anda wakili

Versi seluler Adeptforms mungkin perlu memperbarui perangkat lunak terkait peningkatan Layanan termasuk menambah atau menghapus fungsi penting. Mohon perbarui perangkat lunak secara berkala untuk mendapatkan Layanan terbaru yang kami sediakan.

Anda mungkin akan menggunakan jaringan 4G/ LTE yang disediakan oleh operator Anda saat menggunakan Layanan Adeptforms, harap perhatikan bahwa Anda mungkin dikenakan biaya data tambahan oleh operator Anda. Anda bertanggung jawab penuh atas biaya data tambahan apa pun saat menggunakan Layanan Adeptforms.

Kewajiban Mendaftar Pengguna

Anda perlu mendaftar untuk akun pengguna dengan memberikan semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengakses atau menggunakan Layanan. Anda akan mendaftar mewakili sebuah organisasi, kami sarankan Anda, semua pengguna lain dari organisasi Anda dengan memberikan informasi kontak perusahaan Anda. Semua pengguna yang mendaftar akan berada di bawah domain organisasi, kami sarankan Anda untuk memberi tahu orang yang bertanggung jawab atas organisasi Anda mengenai pendaftaran pengguna

Email dan Pengiriman Pihak Ketiga

Anda mungkin memerlukan pemberitahuan tentang pengiriman formulir. Adeptforms memberikan pemberitahuan dengan mengirimkannya ke email atau aplikasi pihak ketiga. Adeptforms menggunakan email dan akun integrasi pihak ketiga Anda untuk mengirimkan formulir. Kami tidak menjamin email atau pesan lain dari pihak ketiga dapat dikirim tepat waktu setelah formulir dikirimkan. Mungkin Anda akan mendapatkan pemberitahuan beberapa menit kemudian setelah Anda mengirimkan formulir.

Adeptforms Melindungi Informasi Pribadi Anda

Kami menyadari pentingnya data pribadi yang telah Anda percayakan kepada kami dan meyakini bahwa merupakan tanggung jawab kami untuk mengelola, melindungi, dan memproses data pribadi Anda dengan baik. Kebijakan Perlindungan Data ini dirancang untuk membantu Anda memahami cara kami mengumpulkan, menggunakan, mengungkapkan, dan/atau memproses data pribadi yang telah Anda berikan kepada kami, serta untuk membantu Anda dalam membuat keputusan yang tepat sebelum memberikan data pribadi Anda kepada kami.

Adeptforms Melindungi Hak Cipta Konten

Adeptforms menghormati hak kekayaan intelektual Anda. Anda dapat mengirimkan berbagai informasi seperti data, teks, perangkat lunak, musik, suara, foto, grafik, video, pesan, tag, atau materi lainnya melalui Layanan Adeptforms (“Formulir”). Adeptforms tidak mengklaim kepemilikan atas informasi apa pun yang Anda kirimkan.

Anda memiliki semua hak atas Formulir, Pengajuan, dan Laporan Anda. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk menjadikan Formulir “publik”, Anda memberikan lisensi yang dapat disublisensikan sepenuhnya kepada Adeptforms Pte Ltd untuk menggunakan, mendistribusikan, menerbitkan, menerjemahkan, menjalankan secara publik, dan menampilkan Formulir Anda secara publik (secara keseluruhan atau sebagian).

Beberapa Layanan dapat menawarkan cara untuk mengakses dan menghapus konten yang telah Anda berikan ke Layanan tersebut. Selain itu, untuk Layanan tertentu, ada pengaturan yang dapat membatasi cakupan penggunaan konten yang dikirimkan melalui Layanan tersebut oleh Adeptforms. Anda dapat menemukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara Adeptforms menggunakan dan menyimpan konten Anda dalam Kebijakan Privasi Adeptforms atau Anda dapat menghubungi Pusat Tanya Jawab untuk setiap Layanan.

Biaya dan Pembayaran

Adeptforms menyediakan Layanan yang tersedia berdasarkan berbagai jenis paket langganan. Langganan didasarkan pada jumlah lokasi dan layanan yang Anda gunakan. Anda mungkin ingin menambahkan atau mengubah lokasi atau layanan langganan, Anda dapat menghubungi kami dengan menghubungi tim keuangan kami

Hukum yang Mengatur

Hak dan kewajiban para pihak berdasarkan Perjanjian ini diatur oleh, dan harus ditafsirkan sesuai dengan, hukum negara Singapura. Anda mungkin tunduk pada hukum lokal, provinsi, negara bagian, atau nasional lainnya. Anda dengan ini secara tidak dapat ditarik kembali tunduk pada yurisdiksi eksklusif Pengadilan negara Singapura untuk setiap perselisihan yang timbul berdasarkan atau terkait dengan perjanjian ini dan melepaskan hak Anda untuk mengajukan proses hukum di yurisdiksi lain mana pun.


Vendor harus menjaga kerahasiaan dan keamanan informasi rahasia pelanggan. Vendor harus menggunakan langkah-langkah keamanan yang wajar secara komersial untuk melindungi informasi rahasia pelanggan dari akses, penggunaan, atau pengungkapan yang tidak sah. Vendor tidak boleh mengungkapkan informasi rahasia pelanggan kepada pihak ketiga mana pun, kecuali sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh hukum atau sebagaimana diizinkan secara tegas secara tertulis oleh pelanggan. Vendor harus segera memberi tahu pelanggan jika terjadi akses, penggunaan, atau pengungkapan informasi rahasia pelanggan yang tidak sah.


Vendor harus memelihara dan menerapkan rencana pencadangan dan pemulihan data yang komprehensif untuk Perangkat Lunak dan data terkaitnya. Vendor harus melakukan pencadangan rutin atas Perangkat Lunak dan data terkaitnya, dan harus menyimpan cadangan tersebut di lokasi luar kantor yang aman. Jika terjadi kehilangan atau kerusakan data, vendor harus melakukan upaya yang wajar secara komersial untuk memulihkan data yang hilang atau rusak dari cadangan terbaru yang tersedia. Vendor juga harus menyediakan akses ke data cadangan kepada pelanggan atas permintaan.


Vendor bertanggung jawab untuk memantau ketersediaan solusi dengan menggunakan alat pemeriksa uptime guna memastikan bahwa solusi beroperasi pada tingkat tidak kurang dari 99%. Jika solusi tidak tersedia, Vendor harus segera diberi tahu dan harus mengambil semua tindakan yang diperlukan untuk memulihkan solusi ke kondisi operasional tepat waktu.


Vendor akan memberikan dukungan teknis untuk solusi tersebut melalui berbagai saluran yang dapat diakses melalui tim dukungannya. Tim dukungan akan siap membantu pelanggan selama jam 9:00 pagi hingga 6:00 sore, Senin hingga Sabtu, Waktu Standar Singapura (GMT+8).

Email Dukungan:

Dukungan Online: WhatsApp

Perangkat Lunak Manajemen Kasus/Insiden: Jira

Penjadwalan shift kerja meja dukungan/pusat panggilan:

Jam kerja dukungan adalah antara pukul 9 pagi hingga 6 sore dari Senin hingga Sabtu. Total jam kerja dukungan adalah 9 jam per hari dan 54 jam per minggu.

Pada hari Sabtu shift 1 pukul 9 pagi hingga 1.30 siang; shift 2 pukul 1.30 siang hingga 6 sore.



Service Level Agreement

Last updated: 16/ 01/ 2019

Penyedia Layanan dan Klien masing-masing disebut di sini sebagai “Pihak” dan, secara kolektif, sebagai “Para Pihak”.

Oleh karena itu, SEKARANG, untuk dan dengan mempertimbangkan janji dan perjanjian bersama yang tercantum di sini, Klien mempekerjakan Penyedia Layanan untuk bekerja berdasarkan syarat dan ketentuan yang disetujui oleh Para Pihak.

1. Jangka waktu
1.1 Jangka waktu Perjanjian ini akan dimulai pada tanggal yang disepakati.

2. Layanan
2.1 Penyedia Layanan setuju untuk menyediakan hal-hal berikut:

2.2 Penyedia Layanan harus menyediakan Adept Solution, saat melaksanakan Layanan, sesuai dengan kebijakan, standar, dan peraturan Klien, termasuk undang-undang setempat dan sebaik kemampuan mereka.

3. Jumlah Pembayaran

3.1 Klien setuju untuk membayar kepada Penyedia Layanan kompensasi berikut untuk Layanan yang dilakukan berdasarkan Perjanjian ini:

3.2 Klien harus membayar Jumlah Pembayaran yang disepakati setiap tahun (7 hari kerja setelah penerimaan faktur).

3.3 Perjanjian Layanan akan berlanjut secara otomatis kecuali Klien memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada Penyedia Layanan 30 hari sebelum tanggal berakhirnya Perjanjian Layanan.

4. Pemeriksaan Layanan

4.1 Setiap kompensasi akan diberikan kepada Klien yang memeriksa Layanan yang telah diselesaikan oleh Penyedia Layanan.

4.2 Jika salah satu Layanan yang dilakukan oleh Penyedia Layanan berdasarkan Perjanjian ini cacat, Klien berhak untuk memberi tahu Penyedia Layanan, dan Penyedia Layanan akan segera memperbaiki pekerjaan tersebut dalam waktu yang wajar.

5. Informasi Rahasia

5.1 Untuk keperluan Perjanjian ini, istilah “Informasi Rahasia” akan mencakup, tetapi tidak terbatas pada, dokumen, catatan, informasi dan data (baik lisan, elektronik, atau tertulis), gambar, model, peralatan, sketsa, desain, jadwal, rencana produk, rencana pemasaran, prosedur teknis, proses manufaktur, analisis, kompilasi, studi, perangkat lunak, prototipe, sampel, formula, metodologi, formulasi, pengembangan produk, aplikasi paten, pengetahuan, hasil eksperimen, spesifikasi, dan informasi bisnis lainnya, yang berkaitan dengan bisnis, aset, operasi, atau kontrak Pihak, yang diberikan kepada Pihak lain dan/atau afiliasi, karyawan, pejabat, pemilik, agen, konsultan, atau perwakilan Pihak lain, dalam rangka pekerjaan mereka yang direnungkan dalam Perjanjian ini, terlepas dari apakah Informasi Rahasia tersebut telah secara tegas ditetapkan sebagai rahasia atau hak milik.

5.2 Informasi Rahasia juga mencakup setiap dan semua hasil kerja, studi, dan materi lain yang disiapkan oleh atau dalam kepemilikan atau kendali Pihak lain, yang berisi, meliputi, merujuk pada, atau dengan cara lain mencerminkan atau dihasilkan dari Informasi Rahasia apa pun.

5.3 Namun, Informasi Rahasia tidak termasuk:
– (a) Informasi yang tersedia secara umum untuk umum;
– (b) Praktik atau algoritma pemrograman yang digunakan secara luas;
– (c) Informasi yang sah dimiliki oleh Para Pihak sebelum penandatanganan Perjanjian ini; dan
– (d) Informasi yang dikembangkan secara independen tanpa menggunakan Informasi Rahasia yang diberikan.

5.4 Perjanjian yang mengikat secara hukum ini yang memberikan kewajiban kepada salah satu atau kedua belah pihak untuk menjaga kerahasiaan informasi tertentu akan berlaku selama bisnis kedua belah pihak masih berjalan.

6. Kewajiban
6.1 Kewajiban Penyedia Layanan adalah untuk selalu menyimpan dan menjaga Informasi Rahasia dengan kerahasiaan yang ketat dan hanya mengungkapkan informasi tersebut kepada agen, karyawan, perwakilan, afiliasi, dan individu atau entitas lain yang memiliki dasar “perlu tahu”.

6.2 Jika Informasi Rahasia tersebut sampai ke pihak ketiga (ketiga), atau menjadi publik, semua tanggung jawab akan berada di tangan Penyedia Layanan. Penyedia Layanan tidak boleh, tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari Klien, menerbitkan, menyalin, atau menggunakan Informasi Rahasia untuk keuntungan mereka sendiri.

7. Waktu Dukungan

Vendor akan memberikan dukungan teknis untuk solusi tersebut melalui berbagai saluran yang dapat diakses melalui tim dukungannya. Tim dukungan akan siap membantu pelanggan selama jam 9:00 pagi hingga 6:00 sore, Senin hingga Sabtu, Waktu Standar Singapura (GMT+8).

Email Dukungan:
Dukungan Online: WhatsApp
Perangkat Lunak Manajemen Kasus/Insiden: Jira

Jadwal kerja shift di meja layanan/pusat panggilan:

Jam kerja dukungan adalah antara pukul 9 pagi hingga 6 sore dari Senin hingga Sabtu. Total jam kerja dukungan adalah 9 jam per hari dan 54 jam per minggu.
Pada hari Sabtu shift 1 pukul 9 pagi hingga 1.30 siang; shift 2 pukul 1.30 siang hingga 6 sore.

8. Klausul Perpanjangan

8.1 Perjanjian ini dimulai pada Tanggal Efektif dan berlangsung selama Jangka Waktu Awal, dan secara otomatis diperbarui untuk periode Jangka Waktu Pembaruan kecuali salah satu pihak memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis tentang tidak adanya pembaruan setidaknya [Periode Pemberitahuan untuk Tidak Adanya Pembaruan] hari sebelum akhir jangka waktu saat ini.

8.2 Adept Solution akan memberi tahu Pelanggan tentang pembaruan setidaknya [Periode Pemberitahuan untuk Pembaruan] hari sebelumnya. Biaya pembaruan akan didasarkan pada tarif saat ini kecuali disetujui lain, dengan setiap perubahan dikomunikasikan [Periode Pemberitahuan untuk Perubahan Biaya] hari sebelumnya. Terus menggunakan Layanan setelah pembaruan menunjukkan penerimaan terhadap ketentuan baru.

9. Klausul Pemutusan

9.1 Kedua belah pihak dapat mengakhiri perjanjian ini dengan pemberitahuan tertulis [Periode Pemberitahuan untuk Pengakhiran] hari karena alasan apa pun, tanpa pengembalian uang untuk periode yang tersisa.

9.2 Pengakhiran segera diperbolehkan untuk pelanggaran (dengan [Periode Pemulihan] hari untuk perbaikan) atau kebangkrutan.

9.3 Adept Solution juga dapat mengakhiri karena tidak membayar setelah pemberitahuan [Periode Tenggang Pembayaran] hari. Setelah pengakhiran, semua hak berakhir, Pelanggan harus berhenti menggunakan Layanan, membayar biaya yang jatuh tempo, dan dapat mengakses data mereka selama [Periode Akses Data] hari sebelum penghapusan. Beberapa ketentuan, seperti kerahasiaan dan tanggung jawab, akan terus berlaku.

10. Pajak
10.1 Penyedia Layanan harus membayar semua pajak penjualan yang berlaku atau yang diwajibkan oleh hukum sehubungan dengan Layanan yang dilakukan.

11. Status Kontraktor Independen
11.1 Penyedia Layanan mengakui bahwa ia/dia/mereka adalah kontraktor independen dan bukan agen, mitra, usaha patungan, atau karyawan Klien.

12. Tidak ada Pengabaian
12.1 Tidak ada pengesampingan terhadap ketentuan apa pun dalam Perjanjian ini yang akan dianggap atau merupakan pengesampingan yang berkelanjutan, dan tidak ada pengesampingan yang akan mengikat kecuali ditandatangani secara tertulis oleh Pihak yang membuat pengesampingan tersebut.

13. Hukum yang Mengatur
13.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.

14. Keterpisahan

14.1 Apabila ada istilah, perjanjian, kondisi, atau ketentuan dalam Perjanjian ini yang dianggap oleh pengadilan yang berwenang tidak sah, batal, atau tidak dapat dilaksanakan, maka ketentuan lainnya akan tetap berlaku penuh dan tidak akan terpengaruh, terganggu, atau dibatalkan dengan cara apa pun.

15. Syarat & Ketentuan Tambahan

15.1 Apabila pelaksanaan layanan terganggu atau tidak dapat dilanjutkan, Penyedia Layanan harus menyediakan alternatif yang tersedia bagi Klien.

15.2 Penyedia Layanan harus menyerahkan semua berkas dan aset yang digunakan dan/atau dibuat oleh Penyedia Layanan kepada Klien. Dengan demikian, Klien dapat melanjutkan pekerjaan dengan solusi alternatif yang disetujui bersama oleh kedua belah pihak.

16. Seluruh Perjanjian

16.1 Perjanjian ini merupakan keseluruhan perjanjian antara Para Pihak mengenai pokok bahasannya dan menggantikan semua perjanjian, pernyataan, dan pemahaman Para Pihak sebelumnya yang berlaku pada saat yang sama. Tidak ada tambahan, modifikasi, atau amandemen Perjanjian ini yang mengikat kecuali jika ditandatangani secara tertulis oleh semua Pihak.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto agree to the above terms and have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names by their duly authorized officers.



PDPA / GDPR Policy

Last updated: 19/ 01/ 2019

Adeptforms Personal Data Protection Act

Adept Ventures Pte Ltd (“Adeptforms”, “we”, “us”) uses and provides the user’s personal information based on the user’s consent, and actively guarantee the user’s right(the right to control one’s own personal information). Adeptforms complies with applicable laws, personal information protection regulations and guidelines of the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012, which must be obeyed by information communication service providers.

If you are Adeptforms customer or user established in the European Union (EU)/ European Economic Area (EEA), this Policy also accounts for our obligations under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and when we collect your information, we are acting as Data Controller as defined in the GDPR and as a Data Intermediary as defined by the PDPA.

This Personal Data Protection Act applies to all the products, services and websites offered by Adeptforms and their affiliates, except where otherwise noted. Products, services and websites are collectively referred to as the “services” in this policy. Some services have supplementary privacy statements that explain, in more detail, our specific privacy practices in relation to these services. Unless otherwise noted, all services are provided by Adeptforms, which is based in Singapore.

Collection of Personal Information

User and Business Account: You need to register the User Account and Business Account before you can use the Services on Adeptforms. When you register for an account, we collect your name, username, password, business and/ or personal email, and business name. Additional, we may collect the information such as business and/ or residential address, mobile and business telephone numbers, and pictures.

Device and Browser: We also collect device and browser information such as browser name, OS, IP Address, and date of visit.

Information from Third Parties: You may integrate the third parties for getting notification for our Service. We only collect the name.

Form and Submission: You may create some forms for various purpose. We store all of the form and submission information .

How we collected of Personal Information

AdeptForms is used by “Guest” and “User”. For the purpose of this PDPA Policy, Guests are any persons who hasn’t registered to AdeptForms but filling forms that AdeptForms provides, Users are any persons who registered to Adeptforms and have access for some Services.


The guests submit the forms that published by users.


The users register to other users.

The users sign in through website.

The users submit a form from website or mobile.

The users request for technical support.

The users wish to demo a product or service.


Purposes for Collection, Use, Disclosure and Processing of Personal Data

We may collect and use your personal data for any or all of the following purposes:

  • A. Verifying your identity;
  • B. Identify and investigate security risks, errors, problems, and needed enhancements to our Services;
  • C. Collect statistics about the use of our Services;
  • D. Analyze how you use our Services and which of our Services are most relevant to you;
  • E. For internal reporting and/or accounting purposes;
  • F. To monitor, maintain, and improve our services and features;
  • G. New service development, provision of various services, inquiry and complaint handling, delivery of notifications;
  • H. To enforce our Terms of Use;
  • I. To prevent potentially illegal activities;
  • J. Contact for technical support purpose;
  • K. If you decide to link your account with third parties for getting notification such as Telegram, Slack, or Line, we use the information you allowed AdeptForms to collect from those third parties to facilitate the sending notification.
Withdrawing Your Consent

If you wish to withdraw your consent to any use or disclosure of your Personal Data as set out in this Personal Data Protection Policy, you may contact us via

Please note that if you withdraw your consent to any or all use or disclosure of your Personal Data, depending on the nature of your request, we may no longer be in a position to continue to provide membership benefits and services to you. Such a withdrawal may therefore result in the termination of any membership that you may have with us.

Protection Personal Data

To safeguard your personal data from unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks, we have introduced appropriate administrative, physical and technical measures such as up-to-date antivirus protection, encryption and the use of privacy filters to secure all storage and transmission of personal data by us, and disclosing personal data both internally and to our authorised third party service providers and agents only on a need-to-know basis.

You should be aware, however, that no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure. While security cannot be guaranteed, we strive to protect the security of your information and are constantly reviewing and enhancing our information security measures.

Accuracy of Personal Data

We generally rely on personal data provided by you (or your authorised representative). In order to ensure that your personal data is current, complete and accurate, please update us if there are changes to your personal data by informing our Data Protection Officer in writing or via email at the contact details provided below.

Retention of Personal Data

We may retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, or as required or permitted by applicable laws.

We will cease to retain your personal data, or remove the means by which the data can be associated with you, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that such retention no longer serves the purpose for which the personal data was collected, and is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes.

Transfer of Personal Data Outside of Singapore

We generally do not transfer your personal data to countries outside of Singapore. However, if we do so, we will obtain your consent for the transfer to be made and we will take steps to ensure that your personal data continues to receive a standard of protection that is at least comparable to that provided under the PDPA.

Access and Correction of Your Personal Data

You may contact us if you have any enquiries or feedback on our personal data protection policies and procedures, or if you wish to make any request, in the following manner:

Adept Ventures Pte Ltd

There are 2 teams, each team of 2 members, each team would take turn for 1.5 hour lunch break from Monday to Friday.

On Saturday each team will rotate shift weekly and each shift would have 1 hour break time.


Subscription Period

Last updated: 16/ 01/ 2019

1. Subscription Term

1.1 Initial Subscription Term
The initial subscription term (the “Initial Term”) shall commence on the effective date specified in the Order Form or as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties and shall continue for the period specified therein, unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Agreement.

1.2 Renewal Subscription Term
Upon expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive terms equal in duration to the Initial Term (each a “Renewal Term”), unless either Party provides written notice of its intent not to renew at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term.

2. Payment Terms

2.1 Subscription Fees
The Customer shall pay AdeptForms the subscription fees specified in the Order Form or as otherwise agreed in writing. Fees are due and payable annually in advance, unless otherwise specified.

2.2 Fee Adjustments
AdeptForms reserves the right to adjust subscription fees for any Renewal Term by providing the Customer with at least 60 days’ prior written notice. Any fee adjustments shall become effective at the start of the Renewal Term.

3. Changes to Subscription

3.1 Upgrades and Downgrades
The Customer may upgrade or downgrade its subscription plan by providing AdeptForms with written notice. Any changes to the subscription plan will take effect at the start of the next billing cycle, unless otherwise agreed.

3.2 Prorated Fees
If the Customer upgrades its subscription plan, any additional fees will be prorated for the remainder of the current billing cycle. Downgrades will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle, with no prorated refunds provided.

4. Termination of Subscription

4.1 Termination by Customer
The Customer may terminate its subscription at any time by providing AdeptForms with at least 30 days’ written notice. No refunds will be provided for any remaining period of the then-current subscription term.

4.2 Termination by AdeptForms
AdeptForms may terminate the Customer’s subscription immediately upon written notice if the Customer:
– (a) Materially breaches any provision of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within 30 days of receiving written notice of the breach;
– (b) Fails to pay any amounts due under this Agreement and such failure continues for 10 days after the Customer’s receipt of written notice of non-payment;
– (c) Becomes insolvent, files for bankruptcy, or has a receiver appointed for its assets.

5. Post-Termination Access

5.1 Data Retrieval
Upon termination of the subscription, the Customer will have access to its data for a period of 30 days to enable retrieval of such data. After this period, AdeptForms may delete the Customer’s data.

5.2 Assistance
Upon request, AdeptForms will provide reasonable assistance to the Customer in exporting its data, subject to the payment of applicable fees for such assistance.

6. No Refunds

6.1 Non-Refundable Fees
All subscription fees paid to AdeptForms are non-refundable, except as otherwise provided herein or agreed in writing by the Parties.

7. Governing Law

7.1 Applicable Law
This Agreement and the subscription terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

8. Notices

8.1 Notice Requirements
All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when received, if personally delivered; when receipt is electronically confirmed, if transmitted by email; the day after it is sent, if sent for next day delivery by recognized overnight delivery service; and upon receipt, if sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.



Renewal and Termination

Last updated: 16/ 01/ 2019

1. Renewal

1.1 Automatic Renewal
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive terms equal in duration to the initial term (the “Renewal Term”) unless either Party provides written notice of its intent not to renew at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term.

1.2 Renewal Notification
AdeptForms will notify the Customer at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the then-current term regarding the upcoming renewal and any changes in fees or terms and conditions.

1.3 Fee Adjustments
Renewal fees will be based on AdeptForms’ then-current rates unless otherwise agreed upon in writing between the Parties. AdeptForms will inform the Customer of any fee adjustments at least 60 days prior to the renewal date.

1.4 Acceptance of Terms
Continued use of the Service after the renewal date constitutes acceptance of the renewal terms, including any applicable fee adjustments.

2. Termination

2.1 Termination for Convenience
Either Party may terminate this Agreement for any reason by providing at least 30 days’ written notice to the other Party. In such cases, no refunds will be provided for any remaining period of the then-current term.

2.2 Termination for Cause
Either Party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice if the other Party:
– (a) Materially breaches any provision of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within 30 days of receiving written notice of the breach;
– (b) Becomes insolvent, files for bankruptcy, or has a receiver appointed for its assets.

2.3 Termination for Non-Payment
AdeptForms may terminate this Agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the Customer if the Customer fails to pay any amounts due under this Agreement and such failure continues for 10 days after the Customer’s receipt of written notice of non-payment.

2.4 Effect of Termination
Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason:
– (a) All rights and licenses granted to the Customer under this Agreement shall immediately terminate;
– (b) The Customer shall cease all use of the Services;
– (c) The Customer shall pay AdeptForms any outstanding fees for Services provided up to the date of termination;
– (d) AdeptForms shall provide the Customer access to its data for a period of 30 days from the date of termination to enable the Customer to retrieve its data, after which AdeptForms may delete such data.

2.5 Survival
Provisions of this Agreement that by their nature should survive termination, including but not limited to confidentiality, limitation of liability, and indemnification, shall survive termination of this Agreement.

3. Post-Termination Assistance

3.1 Data Export
Upon request, AdeptForms will assist the Customer in exporting its data from the Services, provided that such request is made within 30 days following the termination date. AdeptForms may charge a reasonable fee for such assistance.

4. Notices

4.1 Notice Requirements
All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when received, if personally delivered; when receipt is electronically confirmed, if transmitted by email; the day after it is sent, if sent for next day delivery by recognized overnight delivery service; and upon receipt, if sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.

5. Governing Law

5.1 Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore, without regard to its conflict of law principles.



Data Ownership

Last updated: 16/ 01/ 2019

1.1 Ownership of Data All data submitted, entered, or uploaded to the AdeptForms platform by the Customer (including but not limited to forms, responses, user data, and any content created using the platform) remains the sole property of the Customer. AdeptForms acknowledges that it has no ownership rights to such data.

1.2 Use of Data AdeptForms may access and use Customer data solely for the purpose of providing, maintaining, and improving the services. Any other use of Customer data requires the Customer’s explicit written consent.

1.3 Data Security AdeptForms agrees to implement and maintain reasonable security measures to protect Customer data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures shall be in accordance with industry standards and applicable laws and regulations, including the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) of Singapore.

1.4 Data Retention AdeptForms will retain Customer data for as long as the Customer maintains an active subscription to the AdeptForms service. Upon termination of the subscription, AdeptForms will retain Customer data for a period of 30 days to facilitate potential reactivation of the account. After this period, AdeptForms will securely delete all Customer data from its systems, except where retention is required by law or agreed upon in writing by both parties.

1.5 Data Portability Upon request, AdeptForms will provide the Customer with a copy of their data in a commonly used electronic format. This request can be made at any time while the Customer’s subscription is active or within the 30-day retention period following termination.

1.6 Compliance with Laws AdeptForms will comply with all applicable data protection and privacy laws in the handling and processing of Customer data. This includes but is not limited to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) and any other relevant regulations.

1.7 Incident Notification In the event of a data breach or any security incident that affects Customer data, AdeptForms will promptly notify the Customer, no later than 24 hours after becoming aware of the incident, and will provide detailed information about the nature and scope of the breach as well as any measures taken to mitigate its effects.

1.8 Customer Responsibilities The Customer is responsible for ensuring that their use of AdeptForms and the submission of data complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The Customer must also ensure that any data provided to AdeptForms does not infringe on the rights of any third parties.

1.9 Indemnification The Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AdeptForms from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising out of or related to the Customer’s violation of this agreement, including the unauthorized use or processing of data.

1.10 Dispute Resolution Any disputes arising from this data ownership clause shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and governed by the laws of Singapore.



Confidentiality and Security

Last updated: 16/ 01/ 2019

1. Confidentiality

1.1 Definition of Confidential Information
For the purposes of this Agreement, “Confidential Information” includes all non-public information, whether in written, oral, electronic, or other form, disclosed by one Party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other Party (the “Receiving Party”) that is designated as confidential or that, given the nature of the information or the circumstances surrounding its disclosure, should reasonably be understood to be confidential. This includes, but is not limited to, business plans, technical data, product ideas, customer lists, financial data, and proprietary software.

1.2 Obligations of Confidentiality
The Receiving Party shall:
– (a) Use the Confidential Information solely for the purpose of performing its obligations under this Agreement;
– (b) Not disclose such Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party, except as permitted herein;
– (c) Take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information, which measures shall be at least as protective as those taken to protect its own confidential information of like nature but in no event less than a reasonable standard of care.

1.3 Exceptions to Confidential Information
Confidential Information does not include information that:
– (a) Is or becomes generally known to the public through no breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party;
– (b) Was known to the Receiving Party prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party;
– (c) Is received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party; or
– (d) Was independently developed by the Receiving Party without use of or reference to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information.

1.4 Compelled Disclosure
If the Receiving Party is compelled by law or legal process to disclose Confidential Information, it shall provide the Disclosing Party with prompt prior notice of such requirement, to the extent legally permitted, and shall assist the Disclosing Party in seeking a protective order or other appropriate remedy.

1.5 Return or Destruction of Confidential Information
Upon termination of this Agreement or at the request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall promptly return or destroy all materials containing Confidential Information and certify in writing that it has done so, except to the extent that the Receiving Party is required to retain such information by applicable law.

2. Security

2.1 Data Protection Measures
AdeptForms shall implement and maintain reasonable administrative, physical, and technical safeguards designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Customer data. These measures shall be consistent with industry standards and comply with applicable laws and regulations, including the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) of Singapore.

2.2 Access Controls
AdeptForms shall ensure that access to Customer data is restricted to those employees, contractors, and agents who need such access to fulfill AdeptForms’ obligations under this Agreement. All such individuals shall be bound by confidentiality obligations.

2.3 Data Breach Notification
In the event of any unauthorized access to or disclosure of Customer data (a “Data Breach”), AdeptForms shall notify the Customer without undue delay and in any event within 24 hours of becoming aware of the Data Breach. Such notice shall include all relevant information relating to the nature of the breach, the data affected, and the steps AdeptForms is taking to mitigate the breach and prevent future occurrences.

2.4 Incident Response
AdeptForms shall maintain an incident response plan and take reasonable steps to immediately limit, contain, and investigate any suspected security incident or Data Breach. AdeptForms shall cooperate with the Customer in investigating and remedying any such incident.

2.5 Data Backup and Recovery
AdeptForms shall implement and maintain procedures for the regular backup of Customer data and shall ensure that such data can be recovered in the event of a failure or data loss incident.

2.6 Security Audits
AdeptForms shall conduct regular security audits and assessments to ensure compliance with this Agreement and applicable laws. Upon request, AdeptForms shall provide the Customer with a summary of the results of such audits and assessments.

3. Compliance with Laws

3.1 Regulatory Compliance
AdeptForms shall comply with all applicable data protection and privacy laws, including the PDPA, and any other relevant regulations, in the handling and processing of Customer data.

4. Term and Survival

4.1 Term
The obligations of confidentiality and security under this section shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreement and continue for the duration of the Agreement and for a period of five (5) years thereafter, except for trade secrets, which shall be protected indefinitely.




Last updated: 16/ 01/ 2019

1. Backup Frequency

1.1 Regular Backups
AdeptForms shall perform regular backups of all Customer data stored on its servers. These backups shall be conducted at least once every 24 hours to ensure data integrity and availability.

2. Backup Storage and Retention

2.1 Storage Locations
All backups will be stored in secure, geographically diverse data centers to protect against data loss due to regional disasters or failures.

2.2 Retention Period
Backups will be retained for a minimum period of 30 days. After this period, backups may be overwritten or deleted, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing between AdeptForms and the Customer.

3. Data Restoration

3.1 Restoration Requests
In the event of data loss or corruption, the Customer may request restoration of data from the most recent backup. AdeptForms shall use reasonable efforts to restore the requested data within 24 hours of receiving the request.

3.2 Partial Restorations
The Customer may request partial restoration of specific data sets. AdeptForms will accommodate such requests to the extent practicable.

4. Data Integrity and Security

4.1 Encryption
All backups will be encrypted using industry-standard encryption methods to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of Customer data.

4.2 Access Controls
Access to backup data will be restricted to authorized personnel only. AdeptForms shall implement strict access controls and monitoring to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, or deletion of backup data.

5. Testing and Verification

5.1 Regular Testing
AdeptForms shall conduct regular tests of its backup and restoration procedures to ensure that backups are functioning correctly and that data can be successfully restored.

5.2 Customer Notification
AdeptForms will notify the Customer of any significant issues identified during backup testing and will take prompt corrective action to resolve such issues.

6. Compliance with Laws

6.1 Regulatory Compliance
AdeptForms shall ensure that its backup and data protection practices comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) of Singapore.

7. Limitations and Exclusions

7.1 Limitations
AdeptForms shall not be responsible for data loss or corruption arising from factors beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to, acts of God, cyber-attacks, and failures of third-party services.

7.2 Exclusions
The backup services provided by AdeptForms do not cover Customer’s data stored outside of AdeptForms’ managed environments. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that such data is backed up appropriately.

8. Term and Survival

8.1 Term
The backup obligations set forth in this section shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreement and continue for the duration of the Agreement. The obligations regarding the security and integrity of backup data shall survive the termination of this Agreement for as long as AdeptForms retains any Customer data.