How Incident Report Helps to Effectively Prevent Security Threats

For security agency, it’s not enough to only respond to an incident or other security threats when it happens. In the end, the real goal should be building a good strategy to reduce threats and to prevent it to happen again in the future.

How to successfully achieve this goal?
The answer is to implement the latest technology which provides a good quality incident report platform and helps you to do not only a necessary reporting, but a high-quality report. By using a digital solution, security agency can gain new insight and analyze trends of the past incident to prepare for the future.

In reality, the current incident report is the very first step to prevent another incident in the future. Whenever an incident happens, security officers can do the incident reporting right away through a platform which allow them to track location, triggers panic alert button, take photos of evidence, and inform the right parties right away through workflow system. The workflow system will give notification in each reporting step, so that security officer will be able to respond immediately or give support to certain incident in various areas.

In the moment, the information is very helpful for security officers to be more responsive but the data that has been collected and stored can be useful for further analysis where company can make a difference in preventing the future threat. Moreover, the data is stored in a cloud system which is easier to access, track, and use whenever company needs it.

The submitted data show the users the reported incidents together with the information of the type of incident, where the event took place, and even gives detailed information such as what was done to solve the incident. By mapping out the data, security officers will know which incident or threat that occur most frequently, as well as the areas where it usually happens. Using this information, company can develop a plan to prevent future threat and incident based on a real data and don’t have to do a lot of assumptions to work on the strategy.

Furthermore, using the latest technology of incident report platform also helps security agency to set up priorities when planning for preventing future incident. For area with the highest number of incidents will get the security needs first than the area with less incidents. The prevention planning also needs to take the type of incident into account and the type that have a direct effect to the facility should have been considered in the threat prevention planning.

For example, if the system shows that incident like theft often occurred in a certain area of a facility, then security can look into another report to find out the possible cause of the incident and take actions from this data insight such as increasing security guard presence in the area. Using the data collected may shows the root cause of security incident and helps security agency to be better prepared to prevent any future threats. It enables the decision-maker to understand better what factors that truly contribute to the previous incident and develop a strategy that really work to prevent future threats.

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How Incident Report Helps to Effectively Prevent Security Threats