How to Establish Security Patrolling Effectively

Security guard patrol is one of the important jobs that security guards will do. Security agencies need to make sure that patrolling can be done properly and security guards provide the regular reports.

When you use paper forms to perform a job as patrolling, it is not the best deal and ineffective. Security manager will spend more time talking on the phone when receiving incident or defect report from guards at the same time. Morover, he must accomplish many task every day such as conducting report, direct guards and organize schedules, prevent damage and loss, monitor equipment and many more.

Paper forms also make security guard work harder. An Officer conducting his daily tour by carrying a paper notebook to write down any incident, describe the difficulties he might encounter or make any recommendations to improve the safety status. If all officer follow the same procedures, a ton of papers would be used and need extra work to evaluate or to compile the information from all different sources.

AdeptForms provide system that helps companies to organize guard tour and patrol on each location and ensuring the officer accomplish their tasks in more efficient way. The system allows security guards to execute a guard tour by scanning specific checkpoint in the patrols area. With the checkpoint that are placed in each locations, it will help security manager to indentify the issues easier. Scan checkpoints, send any defect and incident reports can be completed with photo taking and digital signature with or without internet connection.

Especially for security manager, the system is designed to relieve them from the time consuming of assigning tasks and monitoring many different site locations simultaneously. Every time guard scans the checkpoint, security manager will receive the report in real-time. Monitor unlimited locations and assets easily in one dashboard. No more daily notes, pack of papers, and talking on the phone. As a result, implement guard tour system will increase performance and ensuring high quality security profile.

Talk to usĀ to find out about how to implement guard tour system in your company.

How to Establish Security Patrolling Effectively